
About Us

In October 2019, four members from Lodge Trinity 1846, and four from Lodge El-Mizab 1130, residing in the same geographical area, joined forces to initiate the formation of a new Lodge in Mount Lebanon, specifically in the District of Aley.

By February 2020, with the unwavering support of the RW District Grand Master Bro. Rabih Jarmakani and RW Proxy District Grand Master Bro. Rev Andrew E Paterson, the Grand Lodge of Scotland officially granted a charter to Lodge Al-Arz No. 1853. The installation of the Right Worshipful Master (RWM) and other office-bearers took place on July 28, 2020.

Initially convening in a consecrated room in Bhamdoun Village, the members decided, in March 2021, to seek alternative premises. Through their own contributions, they successfully established the Royal Freemasons’ Hall in the heart of Aley City within a remarkable 25-day timeframe.

Masonically consecrated on March 30, 2021, by the District Grand Master, the Hall now serves as the official meeting place for Lodge Al Arz 1853, an Arabic-speaking Lodge that gathers on the first and third Tuesdays from October to June.